

The report quoted South Sea Fleet Rear Admiral Yu Manjiang (俞滿江) as saying that the drills are part of annual exercises that are conducted in accordance with inter高雄借錢網national law and customs.

A Luyang II-class and a Luyang III-class guided missile destroyer, as well as a Fuchi-class replenishment ship, of the South Sea Fleet sailed from a military port near Sanya on China’s Hainan Island and are scheduled to meet with other units in the South增額貸款 China Sea for the first round of exercises, the report said.

By Lo Tien-pin a債務整合推薦n貸款買車d缺錢急用 Jake Chu勞保局勞工紓困貸款n汽車貸款利率試算g / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The Luyang III-class is one of a “new class” of warships designed and manufactured by China, which claims that it has better anti-aircraft and naval surface combat capabilities than its predecessors, the report said, adding tha個人信貸銀行比較t a helicopter and marine units were stationed on the ship.

代書貸款安全嗎小額借貸快速撥款Some pundits said the exercises were a “show of force” by China to Taiwan, the US and Japan, citing relatively recent Chinese naval drills in December last year that involved the Liaoning, China’s only operational aircraft car青年首購房貸2017rier.

The Fuchi-class was designed to address China’s need for blue-sea replenishment, with China claiming it has the capability to replenish supplies and fuel for a variety of ship classes, the newspaper said, adding that it 沒錢結婚怎麼辦has also been outfitted with “adequate” anti-aircraft and anti-ship defenses.

The Lu如何跟銀行借錢信貸利率試算yang II-class reportedly has 信貸代辦strong mid to long-range anti-aircraft capabilitie信用貸款代辦s, commonly regarded as being on par with the US-made Aegis Combat System, the report said.

The naval drills are to simulate combat scenarios related to joint anti-aircraft, anti-terrorism and anti-piracy operations, it added.


In Taipei, the Ministry of National Defense said the three vessels were the crux of the exercises, adding that they would sail through the southern end of the Taiwan Strait, passing near the nation’s southeast on their way to a rendezvous with the ot台北民間信貸her fleets in the Western Pacific.整合代償銀行哪一家銀行信貸利率最低

高雄貸款公司各銀行信用貸款利率比較The ministry said it would closely moni債務協商程序tor the Chinese warships’ movements.

A new round of blue-sea naval exercises involving the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy’s North Sea, East Sea and South Sea fleets is to be held in the Western Pacific, the Chinese-language People’s Liberation Army Daily reported yesterday.

新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES小額信貸利率比較軍公教信用貸款銀行>債務協商銀行工會>信貸車貸民間信貸安全嗎


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